Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for July 21st, 2009

Afghanistan Today-The GWOT Hot Spot: 7/21/09-Tues.

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Another day at war in Afghanistan. One of our 19 year old British allies died and his family has released his letters, which are at link #1. The US Sec. of Defense Gates called for 22,000 new U.S. Army soldiers. I wrote my senators and representatives and faxed it to them and said: Why send more troops when the ones there aren’t allowed to shoot or call in air strikes? Why not train Afghan troops? I had some other points too. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) 19-year old British soldier KIA Afghanistan, his family releases his letters home and final letter: (God bless his family, may he RIP)

2.) Gates to increase Army by 22,000 new troops. I faxed my response to this to my senators and reps and some on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. I also asked my reps to send me a weekly update as to how many Afghan civilians have been protected, as that is how the Pentagon is going to decide if the war is a success? How can a number be put on it? I also asked for the number of Taliban and Americans killed each week. I will take all 3 figures and determine as an American tax payer and one who cares for the US troops and holds them paramount, unlike Adm. Mullen who holds the Afghan civilians paramount, if the war in Afghanistan is a success.

Written by orangekite1

July 21, 2009 at 1:00 am

Posted in Afghanistan