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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for November 2008

Afghanistan-GWOT Today-Sun. 11/30/08

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Global War on Terrorism just keeps on growing, like a snowball going down a steep mountain, getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster, taking down everything in its path. When will it hit a big wall with a bang, causing an avalanche?  India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and many, other countries around the world, even cyber space, are involved in the GWOT. We are linked as we fight alongside each other, or against each other. Links below to various stories:

IT’S WAR!: Indian newspaper on latest terrorist attack:

Marine Sgt. Larry Hutchins, Iraq veteran, convicted of a crime is in Leavenworth, KS military prison. It would not be right to send Gitmo detainees to serve along side our American military prisoners. I will post below an article by KS. Sen. Sam Brownback on why Leavenworth Military Prison should not be used for Gitmo detainees. Sgt. Hutchins was reduced in rank to Pvt. At the comment section of the LA Times story there are links to his web site and another web site supporting him. Link:

Marine convicted of murder sent to Leavenworth prison:

Marine Sgt. Hutchins web site. He considers himself a POW at Leavenworth military prison:

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS): Don’t bring Gitmo detainees to military prison in Leavenworth, Kansas; issued Nov. 20, 2008:

Sept. 17, 2008 Sen. Brownback letter about not bringing Gitmo terrorists to Kansas:

Our troops must watch out for TALIBAN IN A DRESS!! Link:

Taliban Commander in burqa killed in Afghanistan:

Bleeding to death in Afghanistan? Link:

Did the representative ride on Hwy 1–at least Sen. Joe Biden did that earlier in the year, calling it apty, “The Superhighway of Terror”. Did the rep visit the peaceful village of Bati Kot, Afghanistan? It has been reported as being “peaceful” despite many attacks on U.S. and NATO troops there, causing many deaths and injuries:

Indian shooting style criticized: I WONDER IF IT WORKED? IF THEY KILLED TERRORISTS? If it worked, I guess it can be tolerated! Look at photo for example of elite commando shooting! Link:

America Supports You: Database to support troops:

Marine hero KIA Iraq: Bridge named after him:

Collapse of Afghanistan is closer than the world believes:

Mumbai Terrorist Siege (Bombay, India):

What they hate about Mumbai (excellent story, but don’t think I will be traveling to Bombay any time soon): From the story: “Mumbai is a golden songbird. The terrorists want to kill the songbird.” Link:

Armed teams attack in India, precision in tactics:

Written by orangekite1

November 30, 2008 at 12:58 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan-GWOT Today-11/29/08-Sat.

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It sure is a Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) as evidenced by what has been going on in Bombay, India as it is in the grips of a coordinated terrorist attack for the last four days.  Civilian targets were cruelly attacked. Hundreds were killed in cold blood. Meanwhile the USA is still fighting in Iraq, and even more so, in Afghanistan. God bless our troops, may they be blessed with good leadership and be allowed to fight and win these wars. Our country and our world depends on it. Links follow:

Links to Bati Kot, Afghanistan story and map. Look at the map to see where our brave troops are sent to fight. As you read the stories below coming out of this area, look at the maps and realize in what danger these troops face on the front lines defending our freedom in one of the most dangerous places on earth:

Soldier earns Silver Star for attack, from the story: The incident occurred Sept. 27, 2007, in the Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province”.

Al-Qaida’s #2 slams govt.’s of US, Afghanistan:

Hope the generals read this, they can cancel the US troop surge: UN says Afghanistan is not in crisis:

Troops face challenges of recovery: (General Ham, cited in story below should go visit these troops to learn about what they faced):

General Carter Ham talks to USA Today about his case of PTSD (refer to story above):

Marine Recruits at Thanksgiving-San Diego:

 India terorrist atack on Jews in Bombay:’kln%20rabbi%20and%20wife

India also had train stations under attack, unbelievable photos at this one you don’t usually find, very bloody:

Iraq OK’s US troops for 3 years:

Written by orangekite1

November 29, 2008 at 6:52 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan-GWOT Today-Fri. 11/28/08

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The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) continues on, with no end in sight. The first story below though, seems to be telling terrorists in Afghanistan that one Australian soldier’s deathis all it takes for them to back down. That is unfortunate. I am sure the Aussie troops don’t feel that way, but in this story that is what the politicians project. Meanwhile, chaos continues in Bombay, India with the attack by muslim terrorists there. The muslim terrorists, like on 9/11/01 had no problem hitting civilian targets. Meanwhile, our U.S. troops endured another Thanksgiving at war yesterday. While shoppers are out searching for bargains today on “black Friday”  some of our troops are out searching for terrorists, therefore ensuring their freedom to shop.

With a troop surge being planned in Afghanistan soon, let’s give the Marines rules of engagement so they can win the war and as Marine Gen. Helland said a few days ago, “crush” the enemy. Let’s send the message this time, “Here come the Marines—and the gloves are off!!!” Let’s pray for a rout! Let the Marines do their job as they did in the Battle of Okinawa, and countless other battles, then the Army can come in and occupy, once the enemy has been knocked out.

God bless the U.S. Marines. Let them get back to basics–and the call HERE COME THE MARINES will strike fear in the enemy. U.S. Marines live and die to fight.Links below to various GWOTstories, starting with the Australian story, followed by others from India, etc. Links:

No more Aussie troops for Afghanistan: From the story:

“Foreign Minister Stephen Smith has ruled out sending more troops to Afghanistan after the death of an Australian soldier and US pressure for alliance nations to increase their commitment. A roadside bomb killed the Australian commando on Thursday during a push against Taliban insurgents – the seventh Australian soldier to die in Afghanistan.”

No higher call: Digger killed in Afghanistan: A quote from the story below. My comment is this, and I am trying to use common sense, so if anyone has an answer, please post a comment. What I want to know is this: Why are NATO troops and US troops rebuilding in a terrorist haven BEFORE killing the terrorists? In WWII we didn’t send troops in to Japan or Germany and start building schools and rebuilding projects BEFORE the wars were won. Why should we do it now? It is the classic horse before the cart situation. The terrorists must be killed and the area safe before reconstruction begins or schools are built. It is insane to try to build a reconstruction project in the midst of the enemy! If you build a girls school and don’t kill the enemy fighters first, you will get what happened several days ago: girls walking to school had battery acid thrown in their faces by enemy fighters. There is a new president coming to the USA soon, and there should be CHANGE! The change would be to “crush” the enemy as the Marine general said, and destroy them as a fighting force. Only then should we even attempt to rebuild. No matter how many letters First Lady Laura Bush writes protesting these attacks on girls, they will continue as long as these wrong-headed policies are in place, putting young girls, and children, at risk by building schools in enemy territory,  before the enemy has been destroyed. This is wrong, and getting children hurt and killed. Quote from story:

“The three were part of a foot patrol when the bomb, known as an improvised explosive device, exploded. They belonged to a special operations task group protecting the reconstruction taskforce operating in Oruzgan.”,22606,24719336-5006301,00.html?from=public_rss

Here is a total outrage: Americans should send this story to their congressman and senators, what a disgrace! Look at this quote and LET IT SINK IN!!! The news organizations are CALLING THE ENEMY AND ASKING FOR STATEMENTS! In WWII did publications call the Nazis or Tokyo Rose for news comments? It also disgraces the US military and doubts their version of events! At least 32 terrorists are no longer with us. Outrageous quote:

The Taliban could not immediately be reached for commentand Reuters had no independent verification of the U.S. military’s accounts.”

Mumbai bloodshed at the hands of muslim terrorists, (Mumbai formerly called Bombay, and under any name, is India’s financial center. This is one reason it is a target, being a financial center. Links:

Horror in Queens at terrorist attack in Mumbai:
Mumbai wave of terror:
Complex, coordinated attacks hit at India’s commercial center:

U.S. taxpayers pay $75,000 for artificial leg for terrorist detained at Gitmo! He was sent back to Afghanistan where he began to fight against Americans again. Just when I thought I heard it all in this PC war. Please, somebody, have some COMMON SENSE and WIN THE WAR! Link:

Lt. Col. drives to Afghan-Pakistan border to serve Thanksgiving dinner to his troops:

Holy Land Foundation: GUILTY: Need I say more?

Playing games at Gitmo:

FROM CENTCOM: Soldiers in Afghanistan; putting pressure on Pakistan border:

Various stories from USA TODAY on Iraq and Afghanistan:

War in Iraq NOT LOST: Sen. Harry Reid was wrong! Link:

Five convicted in terrorism funding trial:

Muslim charity former leaders: GUILTY:

Taliban have plenty of money: stockpiling opium in Afghanistan:
















Written by orangekite1

November 28, 2008 at 1:24 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today: GWOT-another Thanksgiving at war 11-27-08-Thurs.

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It is just another day at war for our troops out on patrols in Iraq and Afganistan and around the world in the Global War on Terrorism. (GWOT). Pray for them as they strive to keep us safe. 

The GWOT “expanded” today into India with deadly attacks in that country from muslim extremists. It was just announced on CNN TV news that a suicide bomber attacked outside the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Various links below as we face another holiday season at war.

First though, I am posting something I wrote, a reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Read “Thanks Marine”:

Thanks Marine


The chips were down in Iraq. Two Marine battalions were needed for the surge. Non-infantry Marines joined one battalion. Food service specialists and admin clerks left kitchens and offices to man machine-gun turrets on Humvee patrols outside the wire. In those dark days, the Commandant ordered “Every Marine into the fight”. I’m thankful Marines are riflemen first; ready when their nation called to break the back of the insurgency. A more peaceful Iraq ensued. I’m thankful for Iraq and Afghanistan vets and pained when our government treats some shabbily. Politicians, even a Senate leader, called the war “lost”; however, Marines remained focused on their mission. I’m thankful for Marine Cpl. Allen Roberts, a machine gunner, who died shortly after Thanksgiving 2007, going toward the sound of the guns. Solemn Marines continued patrolling the cold desert defending our freedom; but more selfless, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, provided security for Iraqis. This Thanksgiving they’re home, back to their units, or have completed their contract. A successful mission in western Iraq’s “triangle of death” allows Iraqis to experience relative peace. I’m forever grateful; humbled by Marines outside the wire. Today they face terrorists in Afghanistan, and prepare for another troop surge. I’m thankful for Cpl. Roberts, one Marine making a difference, quietly sacrificing his life for freedom. Many won’t remember this hero, who died 11/28/07, but his family will never forget as they sit around the Thanksgiving table this year, without their Marine. RIP Marine, I am thankful.

Muslim Terrorists attack Bombay, India, hundreds killed and wounded: (They now call Bombay Mumbai, if anyone is confuesd. It is India’s largest city). This is India’s financial capital and it is under siege.,2933,458270,00.html

18 Iraqi female suicide bombers surrender:,2933,458165,00.html

World Bank removes chief information officer after cyber attacks:,2933,458085,00.html

Marines stop use of media devices; more moves in possible cyber war:

India attack: financial center a target:

Kabul, Afghanistan suicide bomb attack:

Written by orangekite1

November 27, 2008 at 5:03 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today in the Global War on Terrorism-11/26/08-Wed.

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There are many newsworthy items today, one being that Sec. Gates will be kept on as Defense Secretary. After his “Victory Through Apology” tour of Afghanistan where he ordered commanders on the ground to move faster to offer apologies and money to Afghans, even before any investigation of U.S. troops they accuse of wrongdoing, I have lost faith in his ability to win the war in Afghanistan. This undermines the troops. I wonder if President-Elect Obama even knows this? If so, why would he keep this type of weak leader to undermine the war effort, as the Marine Corps on the other hand had one of their leaders, Gen. Sam Helland announce he was going to order the 15,000 Marines he is sending immediately to Afghanistan for the troop surge, to “crush the enemies of Afghanistan”? How will Marines be able to do this with Gates still in charge, running over there ordering commanders on the ground to grovel, pass out money, and apologize quickly to undermine their fighting men even before an investigation? The American NATO general in charge recently made the rules of engagement even more restricted for U.S. troops. God help our U.S. troops at this time. Only God can help us win this war as we don’t have a defense secretary or generals who know how to do so. I would hope Obama gets up to speed quickly, sacks the ticket punching generals, and brings in new combat leaders with multiple tours to war zones. And, get a new defense secretary who hasn’t already undermined the troops and who knows how to use force and win the wars. Gates was also in charge when the 2/7 Marines faced such high casualty rates in Afghanistan. As reported on my previous day’s blog and earlier this week, the LA Times ran some excellent articles on the 2/7. They had over 150 casualties, 130 wounded and 20 killed. Gates and the generals now in charge presided over this outrage with the 2/7 being sent unprepared, without recon units, air units, heavy weapons, tanks, etc. Refer to the previous pages for links.  With high casualties and lack of support, based on the LA Times stories, Gates extended their stay another month and replacements had to be found from Marines who volunteered to go there, some of those whom were killed or injured.  There should be an investigation on those responsible for the 2/7 high casualty rate, and investigate thoroughly what went wrong BEFORE a troop surge is started with the same generals and Defense Secretary Gates in charge. If Gates is serious about holding leaders accountable, he could start with the 2/7 botched deployment and investigate it thoroughly BEFORE  starting a troop surge to Afghanistan. Various links below. Our representatives could get involved and not pass off the problem of restricted rules of engagement, getting our troops killed, to the Secretary of Defense or generals who have no combat experience. Congress can pass a law which simply states: “SOLDIERS IN A BATTLE HAVE TO BE ALLOWED TO SHOOT BACK.” Simple as that, end of story. Please contact your representatives about this situation, and PRAY! Various links below:

They say it’s official, Gates to stay as Defense Secretary. This despite violence in Afghanistan increasing, and 2/7 Marines sent there without proper weapons and equipment. I think Obama needs to read up on the 2/7 Marine deployment and pick a winner, not a Secretary of Apologies:

Four Star General and PTSD. I have a few questions and I mean no disrespect for our combat troops or generals who go on patrols, leading men in combat as it says this general did in Iraq and Afghanistan. The story says he is a general who led his men in combat and I highly respect him for it like his predecessors Gen. George Patton or Gen. George Washington. But, it does not explain what battles he was in to give him PTSD. It says is he arrived 20 minutes after a bomb went off in the mess hall tent. Now, my next question, and it may be misreporting by the Marine Corps Times, is this: It says the combat general, in this case, arrived on the scene “20 minutes later” (AFTER the bomb went off), then goes on to report that “loud noises startle him” so is this report correct, as he was not there when the bomb went off? I am assuming the story is poorly written, or his leading the troops in battle was cut? I am sorry I don’t understand it, please post a comment below to explain. I think the battles  he led his troops into were just left out of this story. I will put the 4-star with PTSD link below. Two weeks ago Thursday an American soldier was killed and 12 wounded in an animal market in Bati Kot, along with 21 Afghans killed and over 70 wounded Afghans and numerous animals such as goats and donkeys after being hit by, you guessed it, A SUICIDE CAR BOMBER!? If this combat general has PTSD from leading troops in battle, this story does not say so. That is all I am saying, please, maybe somebody can comment on the battles where he led his troops in combat. I am just saying it is funny  how this story can be written up like it is. Links:

After I posted this, I ran across another story about Gen. Carter Ham’s PTSD in USA TODAY:

Pres. Bush thanks ALL Afghanistan and Iraq vets:,%20Afghanistan

 Kandahar, Afghanistan police say they have arrested 10 men responsible for acid attack on Afghan schoolgirls:

This is just an interesting link: type in your phone number and it will tell who lives with you and various other information! Put your phone number in the reverse phone number and see if your address comes up and who lives with you

Only Iraqis should be passing out blankets, candy, or other such items. Not U.S. troops. This makes them a target as well as the children or civilians they are passing out goodies to.
Gates: Active force, reserves must integrate. Gates wants Congress to make laws regarding the military, I say #1 is mentioned above, they should pass a law which states: ” SOLDIERS IN A BATTLE HAVE TO BE ALLOWED TO SHOOT BACK.” Then, instead of all these task forces and all that proposed here, PLEASE focus on WINNING the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Links:
Altered Defense Department photos:

Written by orangekite1

November 26, 2008 at 7:28 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today and the Global War on Terrorism-11/25/08-Tue.

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More news came out today that additional Marines will be sent to Afghanistan. This has been suspected for some time, so should not be a surprise. Several stories below about the proposed Afghanistan troop surge. Also several related articles on various GWOT hot spots around the world and at sea. Links:

More Marines to Afghanistan: (Let’s hope the same generals who should face a Marine Court of Inquiry for possible dereliction of duty for their inept planning for the 2/7 Marines in Afghanistan who faced such high casualties are not the same ones planning this troop surge):

Feeling the loss of fallen friends:

“Marines ready to crush the enemies of Afghanistan”: Marine Gen. Helland: Please read the  Can anyone explain how the Marines being sent to Afghanistan, are to “crush the enemies of Afghanistan”? They have restricted rules of engagement in place now, and also Sec. Gates and generals approved “Victory Through Apology” tactics now in effect.  How can they crush them without facing Court Martial for actions in combat? There should be a Congressional investigation into why the 2/7 Marines were sent to Afghanistan with inadequate support,  and lack of weapons and supplies? They had a very high casualty rate, over 150 casualties, including 20 deaths and 130 injuries. Who will answer for this inept planning? Let’s hope the same generals are not planning the surge to “crush the enemies of Afghanistan” as they forgot to send tanks, a recon unit, supplies, air support, and other items to the 2/7. This was all reported by the LA Times, I previously posted it. Who will pay for this poor planning? This deployment should be investigated and those who planned and sent them unprepared should be punished. Link:

Marines plan to send more troops to Afghanistan: LA TIMES story:,0,5733953.story

Marines plan Afghanistan push:,0,579795.story

Terrorist warns Obama: No Afghanistan War troop surge:

Contractor charged with murder in Afghan death; Afghan had poured flammable liquid over female worker, she is burned over 60% of her body. I think contractors should refuse to go here anymore, too dangerous:

Marine general may be national security adviser:

Junior officers have more combat experience than generals. Let’s hope the new president retires or fires some of the generals withough combat leadership, or who have not led a winning charge in battle, and replace them with the combat hardened leaders we need:

 Marines in a more peaceful Iraq:

 Taliban propaganda, have news outlets on speed dial:

 Army photo link, WHAT’S FOR DINNER?

Military phto web site; many interesting links:

Assessing the value of small wind turbines; not exactly GWOT stuff, but energy policy is thrown in from time to time in discussions of the GWOT:
Sharper U.S. intel helps rid the earth of a terrorist:
 Only 17?
Defense Department computer virus; cyber wars are real it seems:
Battle of Tarawa: 65 years ago:
Muslim insurgents fire on U.S. troops in the Philippines: GWOT never ends; this area is part of Operation Enduring Freedom, which includes Afghanistan too. Link:
Sec. Gates denies Peralta Medal of Honor. What more can I say? It is a disgrace. Peralta earned it, give it to him RIP Peralta, you are a hero to me, and your family, and most Marines who were there agree you should be awarded the Medal of Honor:
Chemicals at burn pit sites; our troops need to know this:
Al-Qauida #2 insults Obama!! If anyone remembers, he is responsible for thousands of deaths at the Twin Towers alone! Link:

Written by orangekite1

November 25, 2008 at 4:04 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today-Global War on Terrorism-11/24/08-Mon.

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The Global War on Terrorism drags on today, no peace treaty in sight in Afghanistan that is for sure. Several stories below describe the situation we face there, as the new president calls for a troop surge when he takes office. Please pray for our troops and that they will get good leadership and generals who know how to win a war. I realize it has been a long time since the USA has won a war, but please, let us pray that the new president finds a general or two who wants to win the war in Afghanistan and knows how to fight. Also, with the current leaders wanting to fight in the bitter cold months in Afghanistan, let’s remember the “Frozen Chosin”, see first few links below. One thing is for sure, the PC tactics are not working. Links:

Marine who earned Medal of Honor for “Frozen Chosin” heroic actions:

 Here is one Marine (2/7) who earned his Medal of Honor at this time: (INCREDIBLE!),_Jr.

 Battle of Chosin Reservoir:


Let’s remember how many civilians were killed by radical muslims on 9/11/01 and since, in the wars in Iraq and Afghansitan. Link:

Obama speaks with Karzai:

Obama promises aid to Karzai:

U.S. drone kills terrorist; good riddance, the world is a better place, safet too:

Four Marines plead not guilty in murder of fellow Marine, and his wife:

Army: Violence at home:

Increase of American troops in Afghanistan:

Sec. Gates: More forces to Afghanistan; to help stabilize voting:

How to get out of mess in Afghanistan:

Social scientists in Afghanistan:

Slain Marines earn Navy Cross:

Policing Somali pirates gets tougher:,8599,1860404,00.html

Zawahiri’s attack on Obama:,8599,1860940,00.html

MARSOC Marine training:

Written by orangekite1

November 24, 2008 at 7:13 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today in the GWOT-11/23/08-Sun.

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Sunday is a fine time to remember our troops fighting in the GWOT (Global War on Terror), please pray for them as they face another Thanksgiving this week at war. There are many instances of violence in Afghanistan and around the world. The USA is considering  a troop surge into Afghanistan. Pray for good leadership which will act decisively in battle, destroying the enemy and keeping our troops alive. Links follow:

Sec. Gates backs troop surge in Afghanistan. He should also back the troops and take back his order to commanders to offer apologies and money when the cry of ‘civilian deaths’ goes out, even before an investigation.

The Marines of 2/7 are heroes. God bless them as they return home to the USA. However, I have written my representatives tonight and suggest you do the same too, as to why these Marines were not prepared for battle? It is not the fault of the Marines who fought, bled, and died with what they had, but the fault of the generals who sent them there unprepared, and the generals should be investigated and possibly demoted. In addition, I wrote to my representatives and called for a Marine Court of Inquiry for those who sent the Marines unprepared, and who apparently did not read up on the situation in Afghanistan. What excuse will they give for over 150 casualties, including 20 killed? Read this story below for full details. The generals and Secretary of Defense responsible for this should not go unpunished. Link below from LA Times:,0,4552132,full.story

US plans to fight the Taliban in winter. Let’s hope our generals have read about winter fighting in the War in Korea, “Frozen Chosin” ring a bell? Maybe they better get some PowerPoint presentations going about winter fighting. Let’s hope after reading above story that they send the troops with coats, mittens, gloves, hats, and equipment that works in the cold. Link:,0,2657208.story

Here is information for the generals and leaders planning this winter offensive in Afghanistan:

Breakout of Frozen Chosin:

More on Frozen Chosin:

14 terrorists dead in Afghanistan. Good day for US troops. These terrorists no longer walk the face of the earth to live to terrorize people. Thanks to our US fighting men, the world is safer. Link:

Terrorists attack fruit and vegetable stand in Afghanistan:

US seeks new supply routes in Afghanistan. They better do it quick if we are going to have a troop surge there:

Options in Iraq and Afghansitan; NY Times lays out many alternatives as new administration faces war on two fronts:

Will private donations for education in Pakistan stop Islamic terrorist? Link:

Written by orangekite1

November 23, 2008 at 3:14 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today 11-22-08-Sat. + Wars Around the World

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The first story link I can only read in disbelief at the gall. Sec. Gates just went to Afghanistan and told commanders on the ground to offer apologies and money, before any investigation any time Afghans claim a “civilian” was killed, thus undermining our troops. He also allowed that same time frame for the general in charge to make rules of engagement for our troops more restricted, so they are at more risk. Now he wants more troops. Let’s drop the restricted rules of engagement, and I have also written my senators and rep. and told them they need to get on the ball and pass a law which simply states: “Soldiers in a battle have to be allowed to shoot back.” (It should apply to Marines and all service branches too.) Not until this law is passed should more U.S. troops be put at risk for criminal prosecution in Afghanistan from Gate’s misguided “Victory Through Apology” policy, or the general’s restricted rules of engagement lifted. We are in a war here, doesn’t anybody in a leadership position want to win it? Link:

Another story on Sec. Gates and the Afghan surge strategy:

 When I read something like this story about the 4 Marines accused of murdering a fellow Marine and his wife, and raping the wife, along with a charge of rape by instrument, it seems like the world has gone mad. And 4 Marines are accused of doing this, just unreal. As to the deceased couple, God rest their souls, pray for their family. Link:

Posthumously two Marines earn Navy  Cross:

DoD confirms computer virus in its networks. The USA has to be vigilent about the cyber wars being played and not get behind on the cyber battlefield. Link:

Written by orangekite1

November 22, 2008 at 6:43 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today + Iraq + GWOT War Zones 11-21-08-Fri.

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Afghanistan today continues in a killing mood. Two U.S. soldiers were killed recently in a bombing. Multiple others were injured. I will list several links below.

Afghanistan truck bombing kills 3 people:

Suicide bomber kills 9 in Afghanistan:

Slow plod in Afghanistan:

Al-Qaeda leader killed in Iraq:,2933,455084,00.html

Send in the Marines! Hit the Somali pirates on land! Excellent story, hope the Marines still have the capacity to do it. In history they took care of Haiti years ago. Link:

A story from Family Security Matters on how the pirates MUST be dealt with:

US and Afghan forces taking care of terrorists:

Written by orangekite1

November 21, 2008 at 7:06 am

Posted in Afghanistan