Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for the ‘Operation New Dawn Ends’ Category

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Wed. 12-28-11

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Another holiday season past us, another new year dawning. For U.S. troops in Afghanistan, it’s another day, another year at war. God bless American troops and may they secure victory soon and return home. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Marine General Mattis, head of Central Command offers guidelines on operations on Pakistan border. Again, the story refers to Pakistan’s lawless border area. If the area is “lawless” then it is not under the control of Pakistan. Why is it “lawless”? Link:

2.) No welcome home parade planned for US troops this story says. I again wrote my elected officials and Pres. Obama and asked for not only a parade for Iraq war vets who served honorably, but also an IRAQ VICTORY MEDAL with motto: VICTORY THROUGH STRENGTH:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sat. 12-17-11

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The countdown to Christmas begins for Americans. Shopping, eating, spending, and going about in all the hustle and bustle that is the commercial Christmas season in America, while our troops in Afghanistan secure our freedom, warmed by their camaradie and dedication to our country, the silent warriors, defending our freedoms and securing our Constitutional rights. May God bless them and God bless the USA. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  While operations in Afghanistan continue for American troops, the long war in Iraq comes to an end of its campaign, first the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom and then the end of Operation New Dawn. The only remaining U.S. troops it has been reported in Marine Corps Times and other media outlets, are the approximately 50 Marine Security Guards at the US Embassy. There are reports that 16,000 Americans will remain in Iraq though, part of a contract security detail outside the Embassy Walls to escort and protect diplomatic staff, and to provide security to the State Department staff. At least, that is how I am reading it. Link to a story here about the end of US military operations in Iraq. I am asking my elected oficials and President Obama to authorize an IRAQ VICTORY MEDAL for those who served honorably there, with the motto: VICTORY THROUGH STRENGTH. Link:

2.) 3,170 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan era living in a six country area around Kansas City being paid earned VA disability payments. I have been contacting my elected officials and presidents for some time now, stating that the injury rate is unsustainable and leaders of our troops in war need to be made aware that getting our troops injured like this is not acceptable and required new tactics. God bless our troops, especially say a prayer for our injured. Link: