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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

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Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-7-23-10-Fri.

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Another hot week for our troops in Afghanistan, may God bless them on this quest for victory. Freedom is not free. Pray for victory for American troops, and peace and safety for our nation after this victory is secured.

American troops should  not have their hands tied in battle, they need to win a war and come home, not be sitting ducks.

Sitting ducks I ran across in Indian Creek in Overland Park, Kansas. Sitting ducks may be safe in a creek in Kansas, but U.S. troops in Afghanistan must have rules of engagement which are not so restricted that it makes them sitting ducks for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. America troops should be allowed to fight, or bring them home.

Sitting ducks I ran across in Indian Creek in Overland Park, Kansas. Sitting ducks may be safe in a creek in Kansas, but U.S. troops in Afghanistan must have rules of engagement which are not so restricted that it makes them sitting ducks for Taliban fighters. America troops should be allowed to fight to win, or bring them home.

1.) Freedom is not free. Soldier makes his final trip home to Kansas City:

Freedom is not free, we remember as a fallen soldier returns home to Missouri.

Freedom is not free, we remember as a fallen soldier returns home to Missiouri. This flag was flying in Wilmington, NC, but it's an American flag, and this soldier died so it waves freely all over our land. Rest in peace soldier, and God bless our family and friends at this difficult time.

Freedom is not free, we remember as a fallen soldier returns home to Missouri. This flag was flying in Wilmington, NC, but it's an American flag, and this soldier died so it waves freely all over our land. Rest in peace soldier, and God bless your family and friends at this difficult time.

2.)  Let them fight or bring them  h0me: blog by retired Marine and Gold Star Father John Bernard. The latest post describes how ROE are responsible for all deaths in Afghanistan! Link:

3.) US Marine Reserve colonel dies days before court appearance, did he take to the grave his secrets? Marine Gen. Conway who is winding down as Marine Commandant and Marine Gen. Mattis who is taking over at CENTCOM after Army Gen. Petraeus was demoted from that same position to run the Afghanistan situation, are both mentioned. Link:

Written by orangekite1

July 23, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-4th of July 2010-Sun.

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Another Independence Day spent in Afghanistan by U.S. troops who are at war, while many in the country and upper echelons of the political and military class seem to be “at the mall.” (Or on the golf course).  The best way to WIN this war is with a quick VICTORY. Get some generals off the golf course, pull some back from retirement, and think of plans to WIN. Don’t let Gen. McChrystal retire with four stars, as I read in stories it is required to serve at least 3 years in that position before you can retire at that rank. Put him to work the next two years if he wants to retire at four stars, by presenting and coming up with plans to win the war, besides the losing counterinsurgency plan he followed the last few years. For the sake of our warriors, the politicians AND generals, and other officers who want to move up, MUST have a CULTURE OF VICTORY they can instill in the troops they lead.

I have also heard many quotes, even today on CNN by Rep. Duncan Hunter, and I like him a lot, that the U.S. “won” the Iraq War. I have written my representative and two senators and sent a fax to President Obama at the White House to PLEASE issue immediately for all who served honorably in Iraq, the IRAQ VICTORY MEDAL. This should be done ASAP!

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Maybe new rules for VICTORY should be issued to American officers too:

2.) Vermont National Guard soldier murdered in Afghanistan. Has the murderer been arrested and held accountable:

3.) China invests in Afghanistan:

Written by orangekite1

July 4, 2010 at 9:08 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot: 6-19-10-Sat.

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The Afghan war rolls on, with US troops involved in a counterinsurgency policy that can’t result in victory. If the troops were fighting a war the US military can win ANY WAR IT WANTS TO. But we are not doing that after 10 years. Our warriors are paying the price. Story at #1 about medevac helicopters and medical crews working at a pitched rate, set to increase even more. Last night on O’Reilly Factor Col Hunt and Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (both retired) gave an excellent rundown of how the counterinsurgency cannot work. If it is posted or on You Tube I will try to put a link here, if not, look it up, interesting and truthful description of what is going on in Afghanistan. Peters even said the Afghans will fight to the death to live in squalor. The USA has no money, it is all borrowed from China, how much longer can this go on with the injuries and killings of U. S. troops almost daily? The cost of replacing a soldier or Marine, then the care for the injured troops is staggering.

Where are the Iraq Victory Medals for our warriors? I have written my representatives about this and suggest you do the same. The politicians keep saying “the surge worked” and “counterinsurgency worked in Iraq” SO LET’S GET OUR TROOPS WHO SERVED HONORABLY THERE the IRAQ VICTORY MEDAL THEY DESERVE!

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Another hard to believe story, but after 10 years, the US medical teams are treating more US troops than ever:

2.) Afghan prisoners given cell phone, swear off violence-why aren’t we giving this chance to U.S. troops at Ft. Leavenworth who are there for battle related incidents? Let them swear off violence and give them a cell phone like our enemy combatants who may have killed U.S. troops. Link:

American flag flies high in Overland Park, Kansas 6-19-10

American flag flies high in Overland Park, Kansas 6-19-10: remember our troops who are sent to secure our national security, freedom & liberty-contact your representatives, I say: LET THEM FIGHT OR BRING THEM HOME!

3.) So now the enemy in Afghanistan has surface-to-air capacity? And, why “fly over insurgents” and not bomb them??? How much longer must we be here on defense as retired Col. Hunt and Lt. Col. Peters said on FOX News O’Reilly Factor last night? LET THEM FIGHT OR BRING THEM HOME!!! Link:

Written by orangekite1

June 19, 2010 at 11:10 pm

Afghanistan Today-The GWOT Hotspot-2-9-10-Tue.

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Marines prepare for the battle of Marjah.  Marine Brig. General Larry Nicholson says we are not there to kill the Taliban but to make friends with them and/or the villagers. We will see how this plan goes down when it happens. God bless the USA. God bless the US Marines. Links:

1.) Marines prepare for battle of Marjah. I don’t see how it can be a victory for the USA if they are saying BEFORE the fight they will show restrainint in use of air strikes and artillery. God bless the USA. Link:,0,7485061.story

2.) All U.S. Marines leaving Iraq. Now let’s have them leave Afghanistan and take our money with us. Link:

3.) Afghans to lead and play big role in battle of Marjah. Let’s hope the enemy is killed and the US troops can come home in victory after 9 long years. Link:

4.) Kabul Gorge: You have to read this and see the photo about this highway in Afghanistan:

5.) U.S. troops sacrificed for government of Afghanistan. Read this story and please contact your elected officials about the deadly situation US troops face due to restricted rules of engagement which must be dropped. Link:

Written by orangekite1

February 9, 2010 at 6:20 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-1-31-10-Sun.

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Another month at war comes to an end. American troops on the ground  are at war, taking casualties such as 3 Recon Marines killed in action Jan. 11, 2010, and many others since then who have been killed or wounded in action. While our men are killed or horribly maimed in unspeakable manner, those in think tanks, politicians, and even generals and officers themselves think up plans for Marines, our fiercest warriors, trained to fight and win wars, are compromised, denied air support, and now have another tactical advantage taken away, as Gen. McChrystal restricts night raids.

National Geographic is running on their television station, a special on the Marines at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. At the link below at #1 you can see our finest, United States Marines, and in one video preview, you can learn about the mission they are now on, not to fight, but to “win Afghan hearts and minds”.

We will see how it works out in the next year, or is what some combat vets call: “THE VIETNAM PLAN FOR AFGHANISTAN.” God bless our troops. Links from around the GWOT, the Global War on Terrorism. A lot of links, a collection of several I have not posted yet:

1.) Tonight, Sunday evening, National Geographic Channel does a story on Marines at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. See the link below for video previews and photos. God bless our U.S. Marines. May they be led by generals with a culture of victory. Link:

2.) WE MUST NEVER FORGET: Marine Cpl. Jamie Russell Lowe, 3rd Recon out of Okinawa, Japan, KIA Afghanistan January 11, 2010. There was a meeting in London, of world leaders Thurs. Jan. 28, 2010 where a proposal is being put forth to give $500 million to Afghan President Karzai to pass out to Taliban fighters to quit fighting. THIS IS BEFORE THE MURDERERS OF THIS RECON MARINE, WHO WAS KILLED ALONG WITH 2 OTHERS, HAVE BEEN CAPTURED AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE DEATHS OF OUR 3 MARINES.


3.) WE MUST NEVER FORGET: Staff Sgt. Matthew Nevin Ingham: KIA Afghanistan, one of 3 Recon Marines (see #2 above) killed in Afghanistan Jan. 11, 2010. If you have any comments or concern please contact your Congressman, Senators, and President Obama as Commander-in-Chief. The sacrifice of these Recon Marines must not be forgotten. I say that before we issue $500 million to give away to Taliban fighters, the murderers of these 3 Marines must be captured and held accountable for their actions which resulted in the deaths of 3 Recon Marines. Link:

  Bronze Star with V for valor for fallen Marine:

 A friend of the Staff Sgt’s late mother blogs about him:

4.) WE MUST NEVER FORGET! Cpl. Uzenski; solemn tribute, body of Recon Marine returned to parents. Before a penny is paid to the Taliban for “peace” we need to know if they have captured and held accountable those who killed these 3 Recon Marines? Write you elected officials by e mail, snail mail, fax, or contact by phone your representatives and President Obama as Commander-in-Chief and let them know we must NEVER FORGET these 3 Recon Marines and their sacrifice:.

Watch the video too:

Recon Marine out of Okinawa, Japan 3rd Recon: KIA Afghanistan:

From the story:

The public affairs office for the III Expeditionary Force/Marine Corps Bases Japan said details surrounding Uzenski’s death are unavailable because of the sensitive nature of his reconnaissance mission.

Military deaths, listing the 3 Recon Marines based in Okinawa, Japan, KIA Afghanistan:

5.) For Marines, a softer approach; well, I must ask, are the Taliban fighters approaching war with a ‘soft approach’? I think not. Link:

6.) Marines invest in local Afghan projects. This story details the building and funding of mosques by U.S. Marines. I wrote my senators and representative and sent this story via e mail to them and to a ‘separation of church and state’ organization. I thought our military officers and enlisted too swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. I know technically there is no ‘separation of church and state’ in the document, but I thought U.S. tax payer money was not to go to support a religion, such as building mosques. I have read that this is being done and has been done in Iraq too, now in Afghanistan. Read the story and contact your representatives if you belive this violates any ‘separation of church and state’ in spending your tax dollars building mosques and U.S. Marines building mosques when they are trained to fight and win the war. Link:

7.) Fighting for a draw in Afghanistan:,8816,1956901,00.html

8.) Marines in Afghanistan-shave every day; bathe every 2 months:

9.) Detainee operations in Afghanistan:

10.) A bunch of links and stories, will group them all together to end today’s blog:

Supporting the Taliban:,0,4404811.story

Ralph Peters Making Sense again:

 Supplies coming through Russia, stans:

Australian sentenced in Afghanistan!!! WHAT!!!??

 Mineral deposits in Afghanistan:

Camp Dwyer Marines:



Written by orangekite1

January 31, 2010 at 1:31 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-Tue. 12-1-09

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Another month at war has come to an end. The month ends, but the war goes on. It’s now December and so many American troops face another Christmas at war. Let’s let or troops WIN the war so they can all be home for Christmas next year.

A presidential speech by Obama tomorrow should explain the change in Afghanistan strategy since the last speech and first troop surge March 27,2009.

Here are my suggestions for victory in Afghanistan, total victory with unconditional enemy surrender:

a.) Start up the Marine Raiders again. We have battle hardened majors and captains who can lead them just like in WWII, and let them do the things they did in WWII to WIN THE WAR! If Pres Obama announces this tomorrow, that will be progress: Start up the Marine Raiders again.

b.) More bombs, less troops. Any general who tells Pres. Obama we cannot “kill our way to victory” should hear Obama’s answer:  “Sure we can,” and he can remind them of WWII.

With the activation by Pres. Obama of the Marine Raiders again, and the policy of MORE BOMBS, LESS TROOPS, Obama should have complete and total surrender of the enemy and victory in hand in Afghanistan so we can bring our troops home. He will be one of the most popular presidents ever if he follows this advice and WINS THE WAR. Then he needs to issue IRAQ VICTORY MEDALS for all Operation Iraqi Freedom vets, along with AFGHANISTAN VICTORY MEDALS for Operations Enduring  Freedom vets who saw time in Afghanistan. God bless our troops! On to complete victory and total surrender of the enemy!

1.) Road to Torkham. The road many travel on Afghanistan-Pakistan border. President needs to have the Marine Raiders take care of the problems of terrorists on this road. I am sure they would have the road cleared in short order. He can also send the newly re-activated Marine Raiders to solve the Somali pirate problem. With the Marine Raiders to take care of the pirates, there won’t be a Somali pirate problem for long.

2.) Thank God for U.S. Marines: this is how they live and die, to support us and keep us free. Some are at Camp Dwyer, Afghanitan:

3.)  President Obama’s new strategy for Afghanistan and troops to be deployed:

From the speech, sounds like it’s is a no-go for open-ended nation building:

“Indeed, some call for a more dramatic and open-ended escalation of our war effort, one that would commit us to a nation-building project of up to a decade. I reject this course because it sets goals that are beyond what can be achieved at a reasonable cost and what we need to achieve to secure our interest.”

Written by orangekite1

December 1, 2009 at 12:12 am