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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for October 2010

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-Sun. 10-31-10

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It may not a happy Halloween for our American troops at war, but they trudge on, another month down, time marches on, deaths and injuries pile up in Afghanistan. They volunteered for the duty, but they need a plan for victory, a heroic general to lead them, they need to know their sacrifices are toward the goal of victory and total surrender of the enemy who has engaged this nation for over ten years.

A friend coined a name for the troops of today’s wars, the “Invisible Veteran”, which I find apt, as we see little talk of the war, the war wounded, or how to secure victory in Afghanistan, and during this political season, the American people, after ten years, are turned off to the war various polls show.

While we enjoy freedom in the USA, another “Invisible Veteran” dies from wounds in Afghanistan, another Marine lance corporal gives his life for that right. This time, a 19-year old Marine dies, he is not invisible to his family, but to many in America, time marches on, and this hero is quietly laid to rest. Let’s not let him be an “invisible veteran”. Contact your elected officials concerning the war, our veterans, and don’t let them remain invisible, don’t let the war effort remain invisible, as the American people need to reconnect with their military, those valiant 19 year olds like Lcpl. Honeycutt who laid down his life in the sands of Afghanistan. His family said their farewells to him at a hospital in Germany where he was taken. Rest in Peace Marine, and may God comfort your family, you are not an “invisible veteran” here, see his story at link #1.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Another “invisible veteran” of today’s wars passes on, this time a 19-year old Marine lance corporal who gave his life for us. RIP Marine, may your sacrifice not be forgotten. I encourage everyone to contact their elected officials concerning this war and our veterans. Do not let our veterans be invisible or forgotten. Do not let this Marine hero be forgotten. Pray for his family.

RIP to another US Marine hero:

Marine Corps Flag

Marine Corps flag at the exit of the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia, Sept. 2010


2.) U.S. Military Deaths as published in the Kansas City Star print edition on Sunday, October 31, 2010, includes Lcpl. Honeycutt noted above. Contact your elected officials, including President Obama about these military deaths, our veterans and the wars continuing in Iraq and Afghanistan. I want a strategy for victory so the troops can secure unconditional surrender of the enemy, and can return home. Otherwise it seems we will be in a constant state of terror, such as with the recent cargo plane bombing threats. We have been a nation at war for 10 years now in the latest incarnation in Iraq and Afghanistan after the 9-11-10 attacks. Of course, the wars go on much longer than that, there was the USS Cole 10-12-2000, and other attacks on our Embassies in Africa and on and on. God bless our troops, and may the families and friends of these troops killed in action find comfort in their loved ones service to our country. Remember those injured also, and say a prayer for them too. Link:

The list:

The U.S. Defense Department’s latest identification of casualties:

•Army Staff Sgt. Adam L. Dickmyer, 26, of Winston-Salem, N.C., was killed Oct. 28 by an improvised explosive device near Kandahar, Afghanistan.

•Marine Lance Cpl. Terry E. Honeycutt Jr., 19, of Waldorf, Md., died Oct. 27 from wounds received Oct. 21 in combat in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

•Army Sgt. Michael D. Kirspel Jr., 23, of Hopatcong, N.J., was killed Oct. 27 by an improvised explosive device near Khwaja Kinti, Afghanistan.

•Army Sgt. 1st Class Phillip C. Tanner, 43, of Sheridan, Wyo., was killed Oct. 26 at Ali Al Salem, Kuwait, in an incident not related to combat.

•Army Pfc. David R. Jones Jr., 21, of St. Johnsville, N.Y., was killed Oct. 24 in Baghdad in an incident not related to combat.

•Army Spc. Thomas A. Moffitt, 21, of Wichita, was killed Oct. 24 in Sarobi District, Afghanistan, when his unit was attacked by small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades.

•Army Staff Sgt. Aracely Gonzalez O’Malley, 31, of Brawley, Calif., died Oct. 22 at Homburg, Germany, of injuries suffered Oct. 12 in an incident unrelated to combat at Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan.

•Army Sgt. 1st Class Charles M. Sadell, 34, of Columbia, died Oct. 24 at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., of wounds suffered from an improvised explosive device Oct. 5 at Arif Kala, Afghanistan,

•Army Spc. Steven L. Dupont, 20, of Lafayette, La., was killed Oct. 24 by an improvised explosive device at Rangrizan, Afghanistan.

•Army Spc. Ronnie J. Pallares, 19, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., was killed Oct. 23 by an improvised explosive device in Andar district, Afghanistan.

3.) The Pat Tillman Story – movie comes out, reviewed here, I have not seen it yet but think I will try to. The last Afghanistan War movie I saw was just incredible, recommend it to everyone either at the theatre or on DVD, don’t know if it is out yet, it is called: “RESTREPO” about a combat outpost named after a soldier with the last name Restrepo who was KIA. Link to Tillman Story review:

Written by orangekite1

October 31, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-Sat.10-30-10

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The news goes on in Afghanistan, another month at war almost ended. Various links from around the GWOT:

1) Soldier’s widow confronts husband’s killer at Gitmo. This is a real brave lady, a real fighter for her family, her husband’s honor, and for our country. This story needs to get out, link:

2.) Election draws near, elements of the GWOT, Sharia law thrown in, overall the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not issues. This story is on Sharron Angle and her comments on Sharia law. Link:

Written by orangekite1

October 30, 2010 at 4:54 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-Fri. 10-29-10

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The war in Afghanistan drags on. The video at #1 is incredible, American combat outposts.

1.) Combat outposts in Afghanistan, American troops fighting in video:

Written by orangekite1

October 29, 2010 at 4:31 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, 10-28-10 Th.

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Today at war, we have Brig. Gen. John “Mick” Nicholson explaining how killing the enemy is lowering the enemy morale. When did we start using the word “killing” and “enemy”. All I get out of the generals is the statement, “We can’t kill our way to victory.” This statement doesn’t even look at history and how WWII was won Any general who says this should receive this answer, “Sure we can.”

1.) BG John Nicholson uses the words “killing” and “enemy”, what ever happened to the saying heard repeatedly, “We can’t kill our way to victory?” (The answer to this is: SURE WE CAN). Link:

2) U.S. has not achieved much in the battle with the Taliban, seems to refute what BG Nicholson said in story at #1. Link:

3.) Heavy fighting in Sangin, Afghanistan for  Camp Pendleton Marines:

4.) Trial stops for terrorist-murderer’s prayers:

5.) USS Cole families press charges against Sudan:

Written by orangekite1

October 28, 2010 at 4:18 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, 10-27-10 Wed.

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While the wars were going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, a Marine killed a fellow Marine in North Carolina. Read the latest story at post #1. God bless American troops, and may they come home in victory soon. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Wars wage overseas, but on US shores, a Marine admin clerk kills a fellow Marine, a pregnant female Marine at that. Link:

2.) Pat Tillman received Purple Heart, why not these two officers? God bless all their families, and may these soldiers RIP. Link:

3.) Afghan President Karzai in hostile press conference, bans private security contractors, admits taking money from Iran:

4.) Afghans doing some fighting; U.S. bombs, Taliban rig explosives to entire village:

Written by orangekite1

October 27, 2010 at 12:46 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, 10-26-10 Tues.

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U.S. Marines face constant danger in Afghanistan, keep them in your prayers. May victory be secured soon so they can come home. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  Marine describes life in Afghanistan, shot at, bit by fleas, but at the end he states he signed up for it and knew what he was getting into. God bless him and all our Marines with him and may they win the war for us, and come home in victory. Link:–+Top+political+stories

2.) As I have been told by veterans there is a way to save fuel: WIN THE WAR AND BRING THE TROOPS HOME. Don’t have 10 year occupations and restricted rules of engagement. Link:

3.) North Wazaristan: epicenter of terror:

4.) The name that none dare speak. And, as it mentions, why are U.S. Marines being brought to trials and court of inquiries for keeping us safe and doing their job? Link:

5.) How Obama will fight future wars:

Written by orangekite1

October 26, 2010 at 12:23 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, 10-25-10-Mon.

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The wars go on, God bless U.S. troops, may they secure victory and come home soon. Story #1 is from Indonesia, but mentions church burnings there by Islamic militants. Let’s hope the GWOT does not spread there. Links:

1.) Church burning in Indonesia. Link:‘outside-jakarta-west-java’.html

Written by orangekite1

October 25, 2010 at 3:33 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot: Sun. 10-24-10

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U.S. troops face another Sunday at war. As you go to church in the U.S. be thankful for this freedom, and pray for our men and women who are fighting, that they can secure victory soon in Afghanistan and come home. God bless the USA and God bless our troops. Links:

1.) Afghan men wearing burqas attack UN compound in Afghanistan. Story says UN security guards killed the attackers, it does not say whether these security guards were private contractors, as previously President Karzai said he wants private contractors or private security to be thrown out of the country and many construction projects have reportedly stopped due to the security situation. These construction projects were using US tax dollars it has been reported, so at least our money will not be spent as it is not really our money, but money borrowed from China as we operate with huge deficits and a national debt. Link:

2.) Three U.S. troops receive concussions in attack in Afghanistan. NY Times photographer suffers leg injury:

3.) Wikileaks details in the NY Times, cite despair, trust, mixing to help in Iraq surge, not known if same dynamics will turn the tide in Afghanistan war. Very important story and details the awful situation our troops went through in Iraq, the many bodies they had to view, the total disregard for life, may explain why so many cases of PTSD are being recorded:

4.) Grim statistics of war revealed in Wikileaks documents, reviewed in this NY Times article:

5.)  Biden: no plans to nation build in Afghanistan. This is from July 2010, just good to re-read now:

6.)  From July 30, 2010; USA Today: In Afghanistan success judged one step at a time. Again, interesting to read about now, three months later. Are there any lessons learned or are our men still getting maimed and killed in combat, and our women too for that matter? Link:

7.) From July 14, 2010: more on the restricted rules of engagement in Afghanistan. Interesting to read, especially in light of the fact Gen. McChrystal has been fired, and the restricted ROE still remain under Gen. Petraeus. Link;

8.) From 7-12-10; big adjustments as soldiers some home, hyper alert switch. Our troops are still returning home with these problems. Link:

9.) From Guardian in the UK, British troops in Afghanistan, how the Afghans appreciate strength, link from July 12, 2010, again interesting to read and see if any lessons learned between July and Oct. 2010:

10.) Good letter to the editor, glad this was brought to my attention by a retired Marine officer:

Leave Sgt. Hutchins alone

Re: “Lawyers seek to reinstate Hutchins’ conviction,” Oct. 14: This article covers the request for once again charging Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins for doing his duties in the war in Iraq. The Marine Corps attorneys? I suspect (they) have no battlefield experience, but possibly spent most of their time reading and in courtrooms as they plied their skills against warriors who did their duty fighting the enemy, both military and civilian, who shot at them and dug holes to put improvised explosive devices in harm’s way.

It’s time to insist from the courts that this fine Marine has been harassed enough and has served his time in hell. Let him be, let him be his own “devil,” if there’s that, but quit beating him up. He has served well, in my view, and should be allowed to finish his military career honorably. The attorneys are like a “dog pack” who want to kill their prey. Get off it, gentlemen, go find another battle and leave the sergeant alone.

My view is as a veteran from Korea and Vietnam. Enough is enough.

Robert Boles

Rancho Bernardo

Link (scroll down for the above letter)

Written by orangekite1

October 24, 2010 at 10:49 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, 10-23-10-Sat.

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The wars go on, Iraq winding down and Afghanistan still ramped up. Meanwhile, at sea, another CMC relieved of his duties for misbehavior on ship, he is a male, and a female was involved, see link #1 to read the details.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) CNC relieved, read the story for details, he is male, female not named:

2.) Comments to the above story about the fired CMC:

3.) Navy ship leader ousted after “unduly familiar relationship”:

4.) Editorial in the NY Times titled, of all things, “Afghanistan Today”. It discusses many things, but when discussing talks with the Taliban, this “Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot” asks:

“Have the enemy fighters who killed and attempted to kill innocent American troops been captured and held accountable for their actions?” I ask this because we don’t want to be talking to murderers. As a pre-condition, the murderers and attempted murderers of U.S. troops must be turned over, and for good measure and to show they are serious, the Taliban should turn over Osama Bin Laden too. Link:

5.) Iran’s involvement in the Iraq war described in Wikileaks:

6.) Death by suicide increasing for US vets:

7.) Afghan Army-the few, the proud, the unpreapared? Link:

8.) Arms sales, aid to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, read the other side to the story:

9.) The way we treat our troops; or as a friend and troop supporter told me, this generation of US troops in the current wars are the “invicible veterans”: (out of sight, out of mind):

10.) The problem with talking to the Taliban, or as I have called it, THE VIETNAM PLAN FOR AFGHANISTAN:

11.) Gap grows between civilians, the military, or as a friend coined the term, “THE INVISIBLE VETERAN”, our vetrans from these current wars:

Written by orangekite1

October 23, 2010 at 12:39 am

Posted in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-10-22-10-Fri.

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Many stories are coming out exposing the problems our troops face, such as restricted rules of engagement endangering their lives, enemy catch and release endangering their lives, and how some are dismissed with no benefits. These stories need to be read and passed on, along with contacting you elected officials concerning our troops after reading these. Our troops need our support. The politicians who send them to war need to know that an everlasting war with no plan for victory is unacceptable. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  Banning security contractors cause US tax funded construction in Afghanistan to stop. This sounds too good to be true; could finally U.S. tax dollars be stopped from funding Afghan projects? Link:

2.) U.S. troops being dismissed without benefits. Sen. Kit Bond, Republican of Missouri brings attention to the troops’ plight:

Written by orangekite1

October 22, 2010 at 2:36 am

Posted in Afghanistan