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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for the ‘Egypt’ Category

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 11-1-12-Thurs.

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Another All Saint’s Day at war for U.S. troops in Afghanistan. God bless them, and may they secure victory before 2014 and return home, hopefully not more than a month so they will be home with victory secured by the end of 2012.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  Sharia is wanted for the legal basis of the Egyptian constitution, read about it here:

Written by orangekite1

November 1, 2012 at 12:22 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sat. 9-15-12

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God bless American Marines guarding US Embassies worldwide. And God bless the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Marines going in to back them up in real hot spots around the world. Links from around the GWOT:

1) FAST Marines sent in to back up US Marine Security Guards at Embassies world-wide:

2.) FAST Marines are sent to Libya to back up US Marine Security Guards there:

3.) Marine FAST Unit sent to Sudan to back up Marine Security Guards at US Embassy. Link:

4.) Camp Leatherneck attacked in Afghanistan, while British Prince Harry is at Camp Bastion next to the American Marine base. Two U.S. Marines reported to be killed. Also reports that there is a lot of damage on the base. Link:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 2-12-11-Sat.

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Another weekend at war for U.S. troops. Pray for an American victory, and that our troops can come home soon.

At the same time the US is involved in the Global War on Terror, the GWOT, the President of Egypt resigned yesterday. The people in the streets of Egypt are happy and President Obama is happy, but what comes afterwards? The Muslim Brotherhood?

1.) While the chaos is going on in Egypt a national security official leading the agency no less, does not know that the MUSLIM Brotherhood is a religious organization, mistakenly calling it SECULAR. See story below titled, “Why James Clapper Must Resign.” Link:

2.) Our veterans made America great, and this one is no exception, from the Kansas City Kansan:–-chep-alonzo-duty-honor-–-part-2/9677?nocache=1

3.) Stand Up America article by Paul Vallely on America’s leadership embarrassment:—leadership-embarassment

4.) Stand Up America link:

5.) No signs of intelligence:

Written by orangekite1

February 12, 2011 at 2:08 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 2-5-11-Sat.

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While the war drags on in Afghanistan into another month, hotspots around the world are flaring up. Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and even VMI-Virginia Military Institute. VMI is hosting a “celebration” of the Muslim conquest of Christian Spain! I could barely believe my eyes to read this, but please read it at link #1:

1.) Virginia Military Institute (VMI) sponsors a conference which celebrates the conquest of Spain by Muslims. The list of events, speeches, speakers, etc. appears, at this time, to be very one-sided. Perhaps before they have the conference, they will present a more diverse panel and show how the Muslims treated Christians, and how the Muslims invaded Spain and did not respect cultural diversity of the Christians whose land they invaded. Link:

2.) Diana West’s take on the VMI “East meets West” conference:

3.) More updates on the VMI controversy, they are now scrubbing the term “celebration” from their we site information on the conference. I also wonder why the word “crossing” instead of “conquest” is listed still? Link:

4.) Martyrs of Cordoba:órdoba

5.) Muslim call to end capitalism, a 2003 story which mentions the first mosque built in Spain in over 500 years, at Granada:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Fri. 2-4-11

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Afghanistan has been eclipsed the last week or so by events in other areas of the GWOT, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Tunisia and other countries around the world. God bless US Marine Security Guards at each of the US Embassies in these countries and around the world. God bless our troops in Afghanistan and in war zones around the world. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Story on the  Arab revolution and the Western decline:

2.) Washington’s relationship with Jakarta, Indonesia gets serious:

3.) Florida governor giving $200,000 to wounded troops:

4.) Navy cracking down on spice use: zero tolerance, no second chances, 16 sailors discharged:

5.) U.S. troops losing legs and genitals in Afghanistan, propose using silk to stop the injuries. I would suggest that Afghan troops go on the patrols, and US troops be where the drone controllers are in Nevada, and monitor the Afghan troops while safely on a U.S. base in the states. U.S. troops should not be losing legs or genitals.

I have read other stories about this, there is a huge increase of US troops not only losing their legs but their genitals. They were saying that’s the first thing the troops worry about after their legs are blown off if they still have their genitals. It said urology injuries are skyrocketing. The US troops can monitor the ANA progress from the safety of US bases like now, they run drones from Nevada that drop bombs over Pakistan. No US troops should be losing legs or genitals.

From the story:

“Soldiers can lose their legs and genitals and suffer lethal wounds to their abdomens, he said.”

6.) Senate study of Ft. Hood shooting released, says Army did not know enough about Islam. There are plenty of writers, former Muslims, and others who should be awarded a big contract to teach them the dangers of Islam and Sharia Law. Link:

Written by orangekite1

February 4, 2011 at 2:45 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal) 2-3-11-Thurs.

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While the US troops are in Afghanistan, it seeks the hotspot of the day is in Egypt.

There is unrest on the streets of Cairo shown the last several days on American television.

Yesterday there were photos of Egyptians on horses and camels riding through the town square, some riders were pulled off and beaten, and some reports said some of the horses were injured or killed, it was a sad sight all around. It’s a mystery I think, to many Americans, as to what is going on.

I will post some articles which try to explain it, and I still don’t know if I understand it all. It sure is a GWOT out there though! God bless our troops around the world.

There are U.S. Marines at Embassies around the world, including in Egypt, serving as Marine Security Guards, and other countries are in unrest now too including Yemen, Jordan, and Tunisia. God bless all our Marine Security Guards around the world, and God bless the USA.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) This article attempts to explain the Obama Administrations relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood:’s-penetration-of-the-obama-administration/?utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&utm_campaign=9b2e7646cc-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email

2.) Reuters discusses how Egypt was on the Obama Administration’s radar early, discusses Tunisia unrest:

3.) Jamie Glasov’s video: Who Schooled Obama?

4.) Riviera riots; video links:

5.) Senior cleric in Indonesia charged with terrorism:

6.) Indonesian police sent to secure New Year’s celebration’s in Indonesia. I am thinking that the Indonesian military and/or police should be sent to secure Afghanistan–they are Muslim and would be more well suited than American and NATO to handle the situation in Afghanistan. It is worth a try as the NATO and American troops, after 10 years, have not brought security to Afghanistan. It might be worth a try to bring Indonesian police to Egypt, as again, they are Muslims, and could control the riots and provide security to Egypt too. Link:

7.) Indonesian tax man gets 10 years for money laundering:

8.) Mubarak’s allies and foes battle in Egypt:

9.) Rebuffed U.S. turns to Egypt military in crisis:,0,1423457.story

10.) Humbling is how service of troops is described, excellent article:

Written by orangekite1

February 3, 2011 at 12:58 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-(The Afghanistan Scandal?)-1/30/11-Sun.

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Afghanistan remains in play with the U.S. troop surge ongoing. But, in the meantime, Egypt erupts in unrest and riots. Coverage can be found at link #1 for Egyptian situation. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Strafor: Coverage of the crisis in Eqypt. Link:

2.) Canada Free Press: article on role of Muslim Brotherhood if Egyptian president resigns:

3.) Another good one from Canada Free Press: Radical Muslim Imam caught at Mexican-CA border-tried to enter in the trunk of a BMW! Link:

4.) Female sailor who died after falling overboard. Such a pretty looking African-American lady. Sad. Just a few days ago another African-American young lady gave her life for her country, this time in the machine gun turret of a MRAP in Afghanistan. All the American deaths are sad. RIP sailor. Link:

5.) First Lady Michelle Obama wants to help military families:

6.) Stan McChrystal recounts details of roadblocks in manhunt for terrorists in Afghanistan:

7.) Wikileaks probe: Commanders told not to send Manning to Iraq:

8.) Retired colonel guilty of fraud:

9.) How could Obama ignore Afghanistan?

10.)Restrepo nominated for Best Documentary Occar. This was an excellent movie about Afghanistan. Watch it if you haven’t already. There are some links below to interviews, etc.:


Written by orangekite1

January 30, 2011 at 1:17 am