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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for the ‘U.S. Embassy’ Category

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 10-17-12-Wed.

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Mid week at war in Afghanistan, and another week of terror and chaos. God bless American troops, and the families of the fallen. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, accepts responsibility for terrorist attack in Libya at the US consulate that resulted in the death of the US Ambassador and three other Americans, and the injury of up to 24 other Americans I have read in various accounts. Link:

Written by orangekite1

October 17, 2012 at 2:37 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (the Afghanistan Scandal?) Mon. 9-24-12

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The month of September is winding down, hard to believe it has gone so fast, and still American troops are fighting, being injured, and dying in Afghanistan. Pray for our troops. God bless the USA. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Story discusses the Marine involvement in US Embassy security including MSG’s and FAST teams:

Written by orangekite1

September 24, 2012 at 3:55 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sun. 9/16/2

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Pray for US troops round the world.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.).  More attacks on Americans:

Written by orangekite1

September 16, 2012 at 12:20 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sat. 9-15-12

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God bless American Marines guarding US Embassies worldwide. And God bless the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Marines going in to back them up in real hot spots around the world. Links from around the GWOT:

1) FAST Marines sent in to back up US Marine Security Guards at Embassies world-wide:

2.) FAST Marines are sent to Libya to back up US Marine Security Guards there:

3.) Marine FAST Unit sent to Sudan to back up Marine Security Guards at US Embassy. Link:

4.) Camp Leatherneck attacked in Afghanistan, while British Prince Harry is at Camp Bastion next to the American Marine base. Two U.S. Marines reported to be killed. Also reports that there is a lot of damage on the base. Link:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 9-13-12-Th.

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America came under attack eleven years after the attacks of 9-11-01. A U.S. Embassador was killed, along with three other Americans at the US Consulate in Libya. In addition, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked, and the U.S. flag taken down by terrorists who tried to burn it and then tore it up. God bless our Marine Security Guards who protect our Embassies and  the FAST teams (fleet anti terrorism security teams) who were sent to back them up. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  FAST Marines sent to U.S. Embassies to back up MSG Marines:

Written by orangekite1

September 13, 2012 at 12:07 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 1-3-12-Tue.

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Another week in a new year and US troops remain locked in battle in Afghanistan. May they win this war and come home in victory soon. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) The GWOT includes attacks on US soil, even before 9-11-01 there were attacks on the World Trade Center in the early 1990’s, then the attack on US Embassy property in the late 1990’s, continuing through today. This Congressional report lists threats and arrests made and details information about homegrown terrorists. Link:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sat. 12-17-11

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The countdown to Christmas begins for Americans. Shopping, eating, spending, and going about in all the hustle and bustle that is the commercial Christmas season in America, while our troops in Afghanistan secure our freedom, warmed by their camaradie and dedication to our country, the silent warriors, defending our freedoms and securing our Constitutional rights. May God bless them and God bless the USA. Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  While operations in Afghanistan continue for American troops, the long war in Iraq comes to an end of its campaign, first the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom and then the end of Operation New Dawn. The only remaining U.S. troops it has been reported in Marine Corps Times and other media outlets, are the approximately 50 Marine Security Guards at the US Embassy. There are reports that 16,000 Americans will remain in Iraq though, part of a contract security detail outside the Embassy Walls to escort and protect diplomatic staff, and to provide security to the State Department staff. At least, that is how I am reading it. Link to a story here about the end of US military operations in Iraq. I am asking my elected oficials and President Obama to authorize an IRAQ VICTORY MEDAL for those who served honorably there, with the motto: VICTORY THROUGH STRENGTH. Link:

2.) 3,170 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan era living in a six country area around Kansas City being paid earned VA disability payments. I have been contacting my elected officials and presidents for some time now, stating that the injury rate is unsustainable and leaders of our troops in war need to be made aware that getting our troops injured like this is not acceptable and required new tactics. God bless our troops, especially say a prayer for our injured. Link:

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 12-2-11-Fri.

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Another month at war for US troops in Afghanistan who will spend another Christmas there. God bless them.

The Iraq war is winding down, with all U.S. troops out of that country by Dec. 31, 2011, with the exception of  Marine Security Guards at the U.S. Embassy. Reports also say that 16,000 private American security contractors will work for the State Department guarding the Embassy exterior and diplomats outside the Embassy, as I understand it.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Back in Iraq, former U.S. Marine officer Ilario Pantano  was charged early on in the war in Iraq, now the medical examiner discusses how he felt there was a rush to justice against this officer. Read this important story! Link:

2.) I wrote letters in August and Sept. 2011, to my Senators, my Rep., Pres. Obama, and members of the Senate Armed Services Committee when I read these stories about the loss of genitals our troops are suffering. Now they have at least increased the payout for these injuries. I don’t know what good my letters and faxes did, but I suggest you keep contacting your elected officials who send our troops to war. Link:

Written by orangekite1

December 2, 2011 at 10:08 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 10-28-11-Fri.

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It’s another week at war, and for American who have jobs, many have ended their work week today, take their families out to dinner, have a drink, and unwind for the weekend. But for our troops in Afghanistan, it is just another weekend at work, the work of war. God bless them and may they secure victory soon. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Pentagon: Afghan strategy remains “risky”:

2.) Libyans flown to U.S., Germany for medical care. My question is who is paying for this? The U.S. is out of money, and some of these Libyans are being treated in Boston. The Libyans should pay for all medical costs including the evacuation. Link:

3.) US troops increasingly under attack from Pakistan:

Written by orangekite1

October 28, 2011 at 11:49 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 10-19-11-Wed.

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Another day at war for U.S. troops. God bless them. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Despite massive amounts of foreign aid from U.S. taxpayers, Afghanistan remains one of the most poverty stricken countries on earth. Link:

2.)  British inquest into death of one of their soldiers in Afghanistan. Another verdict of unlawful killing. Now, may the murderer be arrested and held accountable for his actions in this unlawful killing. Link:

3.) The Vietnam Plan for Afghanistan:

4.) “Last Men Out” by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin is an excellent book I am now reading about the true story of America’s heroic final hours in Vietnam. Tells a lot about the Marine Security Guards (MSG’s) stationed at the US Embassy in Saigon. Link: