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Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for the ‘Suicide’ Category

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 2-4-13-Mon.

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Another work week begins and all the while, US troops remain at war in Afghanistan for yet another week. God bless American troops who are deployed. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Author of best seller, “American Sniper”, and former Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle was murdered in Texas. God bless his family at this time of loss. I don’t understand the story as details are still coming in, but initial reports are that the American sniper with the most kills, Kyle, who was highly decorated in his military career, took a former Marine with PTSD onto a gun range with loaded weapons for shooting practice to help him deal with his PTSD? That doesn’t sound right, as I don’t think a highly trained former SEAL like this would give a Marine  dealing with PTSD a loaded weapon. This is about all I know, the details will be coming out in the days ahead. I hope and pray that US troops suffering from PTSD will get the treatment they need and deserve through the VA and Department of Defense for those still on active duty, and there are professionals to deal with their PTSD and get them treatment. LInk:

2.) PTSD information: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Dr. Bridget Cantwell:

Written by orangekite1

February 4, 2013 at 12:28 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 2-2-13-Sat.

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American troops spend another weekend, their first in a new month, in Afghanistan. God bless them and keep them safe as they wind down operations and the US leaves that country on 31 December 2014. I hope they can get things packed up quicker than planned, and come home much earlier. God bless the USA. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) More on yesterday’s attack on the US Embassy in Turkey:

2.) Another conviction in Air Force training scandal. Where was the supervision here? Who were the officers in charge? Link:

3.) US taxpayer money spent purchasing fuel for Afghanistan. The US government spending this money  possibly violated its own sanctions against Iran. Read about it here! Link:

4.)  Afghanistan in the 1960’s. Girls attended school, and other pre-Taliban photos. Hard to realize that the US was deep into war in Vietnam at this time, around 1967-1968, the late 1960’s. Interesting historical photos, and questions should be asked: How was it that it was relatively a relatively peaceful time then, with females in school and American teachers able to go there with their families? Can this be replicated, by that I mean, the ability of girls to remain in school without a US troop presence or funding, as the US is now out of money, after the US military leaves on 31 December 2014? Link:

Written by orangekite1

February 2, 2013 at 10:34 am

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 12-24-12-Mon.

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Another Christmas Eve at war for U.S. troops, say a prayer for them and for swift victory so they can come home in a matter of weeks, not two more years as the plans now call for them to be there until December 31, 2014. They should come home now if they do not have new generals and a new strategy for a quick victory, and bring our money with them.

I read yesterday that a Navy Seal Commander killed himself in Afghanistan.

Links from around the GWOT.

1.) Navy SEAL is reported to have killed himself in Afghanistan. Link:

Written by orangekite1

December 24, 2012 at 1:36 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 12-12-12-Wed.

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Another December 12th at war, this time, 12-12-12. God bless American enlisted troops. May new leadership with a new strategy arrive soon, so they wan win this war in Afghanistan and come home in victory soon, long before the 12-31-14 date set for retreat. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Protective underwear for the genitals of American troops. This has been too long in coming, after many US troops lost their genitals or had them damaged. The US generals who put out this strategy which got US troops maimed need to face court martial for negligence and dereliction of duty. Bring in new generals with a winning strategy, win this war quickly and come home in months with our money with them, don’t just wait to retreat on Dec. 31, 2014. US enlisted troops want to win. Let them have leaders with winning strategies. The US cannot afford 2 more years of this conflict. Link:

Written by orangekite1

December 12, 2012 at 2:57 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) Sat. 11-10-12

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The Marine Corps 237th Birthday today, God bless them, and may they get new leaders with a culture of victory they can instill in the Marines they lead. The new goal:  “VICTORY THROUGH STRENGTH.”

God bless the U.S. Marine Corps, whose enlisted men are on combat patrols today in Afghanistan.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.)  Yesterday the US CIA director, former Army Gen. Petraeus resigned due to an affair. It brought back to memory a story from a few days ago: US Secret Service supervisor committed suicide, news released just a few days ago, after his long time affair with a foreign national was revealed. Link:

Written by orangekite1

November 10, 2012 at 10:53 pm