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Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 11-5-11-Sat.

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Another Saturday at war for US troops in Afghanistan. Pray for them. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Marines are around the world, not just in Afghanistan, this story tells about Marines in India:

Written by orangekite1

November 5, 2011 at 11:20 pm

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot, Sat. 10-16-10

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Various terrorist plots are out there it seems, including this one from a few years back. The story at #1 describes how the wife of one of those supposedly involved spilled the beans to the FBI 3 years before the attack. The accused is now facing charges including planned attacks on a Danish paper which ran Muhammad cartoons. This is just a brief description of the story, be sure to read #1 for more details. Could the plot on Mumbai, India been prevented? Read the story. Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Wife informed on terrorist suspect before Mumbai, India attacks. Read this important story for complete details. It is a very good read for those trying to understand the world of terrorism against the United States and against other countries such as India. It is a long story but an important piece. Link:

2.) Afghanistan hit by disfiguring tropical disease: I have heard US troops face these skin parasites, rashes, and diseases too; I think more than just the few mentioned, but I am not sure. Link:

3.) Parasitic skin disease in Afghanistan can disfigure people, I have heard that US troops face these skin problems too, but this article doesn’t make that claim:

4) Congress briefed on restricted rules of engagement, Gold Star father John Bernard, retired Marine quoted at the end. Link:

5.) Retired Marine, Gold Star Father John Bernard’s web site. Important posts about the war in Afghanistan, not to be missed, check for updates and the comments. Link:


US Marine Corps Flag

US Marine Corps Flag

5.) “Yes sir, that’s him.” The words of injured US soldier who ID’s the shooter in court, the shooter who was a fellow Army soldier, who shot and killed US troops at Ft. Hood. Read the story for details:

Some of this most important story; please click on the link and read the entire story. This is a story all America should read. Soldier after soldier describe what the Army will not call a terrorist attack, complete with the shooter saying many of the same words other terrorists, including the 9/11 hijackers may have said:  “ALLAHU AKBAR”-Arabic for “God is great.” Who would inflict such pain and death as this to these soldiers and say “God is great” while doing it?

Contact your elected officials, Senators, Representatives, even the Commander-in-Chief and see if these soldiers earned the Purple Heart? If not, I believe this should be declared an act of war, and Purple Hearts awarded. Ask them if any other such possible attackers who contacted this radical cleric have been weeded out of the military? How many more soldiers have contacted radical clerics? We cannot risk another Ft. Hood type terrorist shooting.

From the story and link below:

“It looked like a light show,” said Martin, who was shot moments after he said Hasan abruptly stood up and shouted “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “God is great.”

Hasan, a U.S.-born Muslim who counseled soldiers, was at the Soldier Readiness Processing Center to take medical tests for deployment to Afghanistan. The building was packed with soldiers bound for Afghanistan or Iraq.

Eleven soldiers testified Thursday, nine of whom were wounded Nov. 5. Several soldiers pounded on a wooden railing to simulate the bam-bam-bam of rapid gunfire.

“It was like a cannon going off inside the building,” Martin said.

Hasan shot Martin in the left arm, he testified. As he tried to flee, Hasan shot him again in the back, he said.

“I dropped to the floor like a rock and I said to myself, ‘I’m paralyzed,’ ” Martin said at the Article 32 hearing.

Martin recovered, but was left with severe back pain and numbness in his fingers, he said. Other wounded soldiers described treatment not only for their physical wounds, but for mental and emotional anguish — post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks and migraines.

Hasan is not charged with terrorism offenses. But many at Ft. Hood consider him a terrorist and his alleged rampage part of jihad against the United States, rather than an episode of workplace violence.

Hasan’s attorney, retired Army Col. John P. Galligan, has complained that his client has been portrayed as a terrorist suspect.

In the months before the shooting, Hasan reportedly sent e-mails to Anwar Awlaki, an American-born terrorism suspect who has a U.S. bounty on his head. “I can’t wait to join you,” he allegedly told Awlaki in one e-mail.

U.S. authorities intercepted the e-mails but reportedly considered them part of Hasan’s research on post-traumatic stress disorder. Awlaki, who is believed to be in Yemen, praised Hasan after the shootings.

While a resident at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Hasan reportedly told colleagues he believed the U.S. was waging war on Muslims. In court Thursday, Hasan was dressed in Army fatigues and combat boots. He watched impassively, occasionally taking notes.

Spec. Alan Carroll, testifying by video link from Afghanistan, said he saw a clear escape route during the rampage but stayed inside to protect his buddy Pfc. Aaron Thomas Nemelka, who had been shot in the throat.

“I’d been told to never leave a fallen comrade,” Carroll said.

As he tried to help Nemelka, Carroll was shot four times — twice in the arm, once in the leg and once in the back. He recovered and returned to duty.

Carroll was asked about the fate of Nemelka and two other friends who had accompanied Carroll to the center and were shot, Spec. Frederick Greene and Pfc. Michael Pearson.

“They all three died — passed away,” Carroll replied.

Staff Sgt. Patrick Zeigler, a pale, slender soldier, limped into court with the help of a cane. He described the targeting laser passing over his face just before he was shot in the left side of his head.

Knocked flat, he watched his own blood pool on the floor. As he crawled toward a rear door, he said, he was shot three more times — in the shoulder, forearm and hip.

He later underwent surgery that removed about 20% of his brain matter, he said. He is relearning to walk and use his left arm.

After he testified, Zeigler glanced into the courtroom gallery and caught the eye of his fiancee, Jessica Hansen, who smiled at him. He struggled to stand, even with his cane. Once on his feet, Zeigler glared hard at Hasan for several seconds. Hasan looked down at the defense table.

With great effort, Zeigler turned and made his way toward his fiancee. The only sound in the courtroom was the pounding of his cane against the wooden walkway.,0,1146462.story

6.) Back to Afghanistan: Skin disease spread by sand flies in Afghanistan threatens millions. I have heard that U.S. troops face multiple skin problems, I would assume from these bites too? Link:

Written by orangekite1

October 16, 2010 at 3:01 am