Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for July 7th, 2009

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-7/7/09-Tues.

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The situation in Afghanistan gets hotter and hotter. Today 7 U.S. troops are reported as having been killed. God bless them and their families, and those wounded. May we get generals in there who are there to win a war and not continue an occupation for whatever reasons, but I know they will have to get the orders to win from the Commander in Chief.

1.) Seven U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan:

2.) Marines under restricted rules of engagement ordered by Army Gen. McChrystal and Marine Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson are forced into letting Taliban fighters go. The male Taliban cross dressed as women and left a compound, fooling the Marines. The Marines probably would not have been fooled if not for the restricted rules of engagement. Now dangerous Taliban are on the loose, who might have been killed in previous wars. May God help US troops that they not be killed by these terrorists which restricted rules of engagement had a role in letting loose. This policy endangers US national security and I have told my representatives, Pres. Obama, and members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee as much. How do they think this WINS THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF AMERICAN TAXPAYERS WHO ARE FUNDING THIS WAR, the general’s salaries, and for all the equipment, and Marines, who are supposed to be defending US national security and protecting national security. The terrorists who were let loose due to restricted rules of engagement could come to US shores to kill American civilians like on 9-11-01. If we are not in Afghanistan to win a war and kill terrorists U.S. troops should be brought home. We should NEVER EVER let down our Marines putting their lives on the line in a war. They should be allowed to fight and win. Anything less is a disgrace to our fighting men and women.  Why would American generals shame US Marines like this, our courageous fighting men? The American President, the Commander in Chief should hear about this, as well as senators and representatives. US Marines should be allowed to fight and win. Link:

3.) Under Gen. McChrystal’s restricted rules of engagement: 7 US troops die. As I don’t know if the restricted rules of engagement directly led to their deaths, I have written my representatives and the Commander in Chief for answers. Did the restricted ROE play any role in the deaths of these 7 American troops? I will try to post any reply. Link:

4.)  Marines experiencing heat exhaustion after long march. From the story and link:

“It is terribly hot, the foreign soldiers move heavily, they carry food, water, heavy uniform and protection. They cannot survive in that heat for long.”

At least two Marines have been evacuated suffering chronic heat exhaustion, the force has said.

5.)  7 American GI’s killed in Afghanistan, deadliest day in almost a year:

6.)  It seems to me the title should be:

“Rules for increasing US troop deaths revealed”

If the United States does not enter a war to win it, they we should leave. If we are not in Afthanistan to win, I think we should leave and take our money with  us:

7.)  Adm. Mullen says Marines making progress in Helmand:

8.)  US mission in Afghanistan: Protect Afghan civilians. Why not hire Afghan contractors to go into the villages and protect their own civilians?

9.) Khan Neshin: Calm restored by US Marines in Afghanistan:

Written by orangekite1

July 7, 2009 at 1:49 am

Posted in Afghanistan