Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for August 10th, 2013

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 8-10-13-Sat.

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Another weekend at war for US troops in Afghanistan as they wind down operations and pack up to exit the country by 31 December 2014. It is my hope and prayer that they can finish the packing well before this time and come home in advance of this date. Meanwhile, let’s look at the icasualty,com site, which keeps a list of US dead and wounded. Today, let’s look at the US list of troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom, which covers other countries besides Afghanistan, although the majority of US troops in OEF have been killed and wounded in Afghanistan. LInks from around the GWOT:

1.) The site list of US troops killed in OEF, the majority having been killed in Afghanistan. Link: