Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

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Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 5-13-14-Tue. (232 days to go)

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232 days left for US troops in Afghanistan.

The Medal of Honor will be awarded  to US soldier who was ambushed and reacted with valor in 2007. The ambush in Afghanistan killed among others, Parker, Kansas Army Sgt. Jeff Mersman. RIP and never forget!

1.) Medal of Honor to be awarded. One soldier killed in 2007 attack was Parker, Kansas Army Sgt. Jeff Mersman. RIP, never forget! Link:

2.) Related to Medal of Honor recipient: Body of Parker, Kansas soldier, Sgt. Jeff Mersman who was killed in the attack, is recovered. Link:

3.) Who will answer for COIN? A good question by author Diana West. Who will be held accountable? Leaders, both political and military should be held accountable for continuing to use COIN despite thousands of US deaths and injuries. Link: