Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for May 25th, 2013

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot (The Afghanistan Scandal?) 5-25-13-Sat.

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Another Memorial Day weekend at war for US troops in Afghanistan, while in America, free citizens, can begin their summer with picnics, fishing, a cold beer and a three day weekend. No such luck for our troops in Afghanistan who face death and maiming in a hot dusty place many Marines call “the worst place in the world.”

So, while celebrating Memorial Day and remembering our fallen, please remember those who fell in the Ganjgal Ambush on 8 September 2009 in Afghanistan, for there has yet to be justice and no arrests have been made, neither of the enemy who killed them, or the American officers who were derelict in their duty as well as criminally negligent, it is my belief. Go to link #1 and read about it. Pray and demand from your elected officials justice for these three Marines and Navy Corpsman. It is also my opinion and belief that a Marine Court of Inquiry needs to be convened in this matter and hash this out: why Marines were left to die. Before Benghazi there was Ganjgal. Before the IRS scandal there was Ganjgal. Before the AP/Fox News being monitored by the Obama Administration, there was Ganjgal. There needs to be a Marine Court of Inquiry to secure justice and review the facts.

Links from around the GWOT:

1.) Price for Justice: Gold Star Marine Mom Susan Price seeks justices for her son and the others who fell on 8 Sept. 2009 in Afghanistan in the Ganjgal Ambush:

Written by orangekite1

May 25, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Posted in Afghanistan