Orangekite1’s Weblog

Afghanistan Today, your portal to the United States’ growing nightmare abroad.

Archive for June 20th, 2010

Afghanistan Today, the GWOT Hotspot-6-20-10-Sun.

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The war in Afghanistan continues on. I can’t wait for the day I no longer have anything to post, and just cover US. victory parades. May our troops soon receive leadership which leads to victory so they can come home.

1) Counterinsurgency: “INEXACT PROCESS OF PERSUASION”.

Story about the war in Afghanistan, featuring Gen. Petraeus, who more or less admits the counterinsurgency, as it is being administered in Afghanistan is not winning hearts and minds and securing U.S. victory.  The cost of the war is causing a financial loss for the U.S. too.

From the story:

“That does not mean Petraeus is opposed to bringing some troops home, and he said repeatedly that he supports Obama’s strategy. His caution, however, is rooted in the fact that the uniformed military _ and counterinsurgency specialists in particular _ have always been uncomfortable with fixed parameters for an inexact process of persuasion.”

Old Glory flies: God bless the USA; God bless our troops onward to victory.

Old Glory flies: God bless the USA; God bless our troops onward to victory.


Written by orangekite1

June 20, 2010 at 10:55 pm